
Below Project Drawdown presents the individual Drawdown solutions, including their relevant sector(s) and their impact on addressing climate change. They present the results of our analysis for two scenarios:

Scenario 1 stops climate change close to 2˚C of global warming, and Scenario 2 stops climate change close to 1.5˚C of global warming.

To solutions are ranked by size.

The rankings shown here are based on projected emissions impact globally. The relative importance of a given solution can differ significantly depending on context and particular geographic, ecological, economic, political, or social conditions.

Gigatons CO2 Equivalent Reduced / Sequestered (2020–2050)

SolutionSector(s)Scenario 1 *Scenario 2 *
Reduced Food WasteFood, Agriculture, and Land Use / Land Sinks87.4594.56
Health and EducationHealth and Education85.4285.42
Plant-Rich DietsFood, Agriculture, and Land Use / Land Sinks65.0191.72
Refrigerant ManagementIndustry / Buildings57.7557.75
Tropical Forest RestorationLand Sinks54.4585.14
Onshore Wind TurbinesElectricity47.21147.72
Alternative RefrigerantsIndustry / Buildings43.5350.53
Utility-Scale Solar PhotovoltaicsElectricity42.32119.13
Improved Clean CookstovesBuildings31.3472.65
Distributed Solar PhotovoltaicsElectricity27.9868.64
SilvopastureLand Sinks26.5842.31
Peatland Protection and RewettingFood, Agriculture, and Land Use / Land Sinks26.0341.93
Tree Plantations (on Degraded Land)Land Sinks22.2435.94
Temperate Forest RestorationLand Sinks19.4227.85
Concentrated Solar PowerElectricity18.6023.96
InsulationElectricity / Buildings16.9719.01
Managed GrazingLand Sinks16.4226.01
LED LightingElectricity16.0717.53
Perennial Staple CropsLand Sinks15.4531.26
Tree IntercroppingLand Sinks15.0324.40
Regenerative Annual CroppingFood, Agriculture, and Land Use / Land Sinks14.5222.27
Conservation AgricultureFood, Agriculture, and Land Use / Land Sinks13.409.43
Abandoned Farmland RestorationLand Sinks12.4820.32
Electric CarsTransportation11.8715.68
Multistrata AgroforestryLand Sinks11.3020.40
Offshore Wind TurbinesElectricity10.4411.42
High-Performance GlassElectricity / Buildings10.0412.63
Methane DigestersElectricity / Industry9.836.18
Improved Rice ProductionFood, Agriculture, and Land Use / Land Sinks9.4413.82
Indigenous Peoples’ Forest TenureFood, Agriculture, and Land Use / Land Sinks8.6912.93
Bamboo ProductionLand Sinks8.2721.31
Alternative CementIndustry7.9816.10
Hybrid CarsTransportation7.894.63
Public TransitTransportation7.5123.36
Smart ThermostatsElectricity / Buildings6.997.40
Building Automation SystemsElectricity / Buildings6.4710.48
District HeatingElectricity / Buildings6.289.85
Efficient AviationTransportation6.279.18
Geothermal PowerElectricity6.199.85
Forest ProtectionFood, Agriculture, and Land Use / Land Sinks5.528.75
Biogas for CookingBuildings4.659.70
Efficient TrucksTransportation4.619.71
Efficient Ocean ShippingTransportation4.406.30
High-Efficiency Heat PumpsElectricity / Buildings4.169.29
Perennial Biomass ProductionLand Sinks4.007.04
Solar Hot WaterElectricity / Buildings3.5914.29
Grassland ProtectionFood, Agriculture, and Land Use / Land Sinks3.354.25
System of Rice IntensificationFood, Agriculture, and Land Use / Land Sinks2.784.26
Nuclear PowerElectricity2.653.23
Bicycle InfrastructureTransportation2.566.65
Biomass PowerElectricity2.523.57
Nutrient ManagementFood, Agriculture, and Land Use2.3412.06
Biochar ProductionEngineered Sinks2.224.39
Landfill Methane CaptureElectricity / Industry2.18-1.60
Waste-to-EnergyElectricity / Industry2.043.00
Small HydropowerElectricity1.693.28
Walkable CitiesTransportation1.445.45
Ocean PowerElectricity1.381.38
Sustainable Intensification for SmallholdersFood, Agriculture, and Land Use / Land Sinks1.360.68
Electric BicyclesTransportation1.314.07
High-Speed RailTransportation1.303.77
Farm Irrigation EfficiencyFood, Agriculture, and Land Use1.132.07
Recycled PaperIndustry1.101.95
Coastal Wetland ProtectionFood, Agriculture, and Land Use / Coastal and Ocean Sinks0.991.45
Low-Flow FixturesElectricity / Buildings0.911.56
Coastal Wetland RestorationCoastal and Ocean Sinks0.771.01
Water Distribution EfficiencyElectricity0.660.94
Green and Cool RoofsElectricity / Buildings0.601.10
Dynamic GlassElectricity / Buildings0.290.47
Electric TrainsTransportation0.100.65
Micro Wind TurbinesElectricity0.090.13
Building RetrofittingElectricity / Buildings0.000.00
Net-Zero BuildingsElectricity / Buildings0.000.00
Grid FlexibilityElectricity0.000.00
Distributed Energy StorageElectricity0.000.00
Utility-Scale Energy StorageElectricity0.000.00