The state of the world’s housing
The world is experiencing a global housing crisis. About 1.6 billion people live in substandard housing and 100 million are homeless, according to the United Nations.
(1) These people are increasingly urban residents, and every week more than a million people are born in, or move to, cities in the developing world.
(2) Today, a billion people?32 percent of the global urban population?live in urban slums. If no serious action is taken, the United Nations reports that the number of slum dwellers worldwide will increase over the next 30 years to nearly 2 billion.
(3) That’s one third of the nation. These problems include payments too large a percentage of their income, overcrowding, poor quality shelter and homelessness.
(4) Throughout the world, people live in inadequate housing, and Ideal Location, Inc is dedicated to providing awareness and resources for decent, affordable homes for those in need.
In the United States alone, 95 million people have housing problems
Importance of clean, decent, and stable housing supports Habitat for Humanity and urges our partners, customers and clients to contribute time, money and awarness to the Global Housing Crisis.
Good Housing has transformational ability .
A report issued by the Planning and Development Collaborative International stated, “Clean, warm housing is an essential input for prevention and care of diseases of poverty like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, diarrhea, and malaria.”
(5) An Emory University research study on Habitat for Humanity’s work in Malawi found Habitat housing improved the health of young children as much as water and sanitation programs. The study found that children under 5 living in Habitat for Humanity houses had 44 percent less malaria, respiratory or gastrointestinal diseases compared to children living in traditional houses.
(6) Bad housing has its greatest impact on children. As Lisa Harker, a British housing expert, explains, “Childhood is a precious time when our experiences shape the adults we become?but children who grow up in bad housing are robbed of their future chances….” Those chances are stolen by the detrimental impact poverty housing has on everyday life.For families, especially those with a lower income, who are able to own a home, ownership is an important means of wealth accumulation in the form of equity and forced savings resulting from mortgage repayment.
(7) In low-income countries, housing construction creates job opportunities for migrants to cities and stimulates the creation of small business. The process of securing land tenure for informal settlements helps to increase access to credit.
(8) Good housing also contributes to thriving school systems and community organizations. It is a catalyst for civic activism and a stimulus for community-based organizations. Safe homes and neighborhoods, in which residents are satisfied with housing conditions and public services, help to build social stability and security.
(9) If action to decrease poverty is to be successful, increasing the housing supply across the globe is essential. Adequate housing is vitally important to the health of the world’s economies, communities, and populations, yet the percentage of people without access to decent, stable housing is rising. The United Nations projects that by the year 2030 an additional 3 billion people, about 40 percent of the world’s population, will need access to housing.
(10) If we are to prevent such a dramatic escalation of the housing crisis, and if we are to succeed in the fight against poverty, we must support the expansion of housing both as policy and as practice.
You can learn more about the root causes of poverty housing, and how Habitat for Humanity responds, by reading region-by-region documentation in Habitat’s Program Milestones report and annual reports:
The future rests in the decisions made today
Good housing in communities attracts economic investment and development
Housing must become a priority
The Ideal Location Network supports these outstanding housing organizations